Key Policy Briefs

Policy issues MnSEIA is involved in on behalf of our members

2024 MnSEIA Legislative Session Recap, Logan O'Grady and Patty Acomb
Image Courtesy of Minnesota House of Representatives

2024 Minnesota Legislation Session Recap

2024 was another big year for clean energy in Minnesota. Read more about the industry-wide initiatives that passed.
MnSEIA at Minnesota State Capitol for solar policy

2023 Legislative Session Recap

2023 was a historic year for clean energy policy at the Minnesota Capitol. Learn more about the $80M in solar + storage wins.
Solar on schools MnSEIA Minnesota legislative policy
Image Courtesy of New Energy Equity

Solar for Schools

MnSEIA has spent years creating and growing the Solar for Schools program for districts across the state. Learn more about how it benefits Minnesotans.
Connexus Energy Solar Plus Storage Project in MN - MnSEIA
Image Courtesy of Connexus Energy

Energy Storage

Energy storage makes the grid more reliable and encourages solar deployment. See how MnSEIA and our members are making this market a priority.
Community Solar Garden - Minnesota MnSEIA

Community Solar Gardens

Minnesota has historically been a nation-leader in CSGs. Learn more about MnSEIA's work since 2013 and how we're collaborating with partners to improve the program.
Solar installers install panels for solar project - MnSEIA, Knobelsdorff
Image Courtesy of Knobelsdorff Electric

Distributed Generation (DG) Tariff

Learn more about MnSEIA's work to improve the DG tariff and how it would help the industry.
Solar plus pollinators project MnSEIA
Image Courtesy of Natural Resource Services

Minnesota Brightfields

Brightfields turn unusable land into clean energy by installing solar on closed landfills. See how MnSEIA helped create a pilot project to open this new market.
Interconnection Standards in Minnesota for solar projects
Image Courtesy of Prairie Restorations, Inc

Interconnection Standards

Learn more about MnSEIA's work with the PUC, utilities, and stakeholders to shape statewide Interconnection Standards.  
Minnesota solar array with grazing sheep, MnSEIA
Image Courtesy of Cannon Valley Graziers

Value of Solar

MnSEIA helped pass the Value of Solar rate in 2013. Since then we have worked at the PUC to ensure the rate is fair and accurate.
Solar Installers work on roof - MnSEIA, Blue Horizon Energy
Image Courtesy of Blue Horizon Energy

PV Demand Credit

The PV Demand Credit creates a great market opportunity for C&I solar developers. Learn more about MnSEIA's work developing this rate.
Minnesota Community Solar Garden - MnSEIA, IPS Solar
Image Courtesy of New Energy Equity

Planned Outages

CSG outages are frustrating for owners and operators. See how MnSEIA helps mitigate the impacts of these outages.
Residential rooftop solar panels on office MnSEIA policy
Image Courtesy of TruNorth Solar

One-Mile Rule

Minnesota utilities sometimes misread the "One-Mile Rule," which can overly complicate solar projects. Learn more about the One-Mile Rule and MnSEIA's legal memo on the issue.
Minnesota Capitol MnSEIA solar legislation

2022 Minnesota Legislative Session Update

Building on the bipartisan success of the 2021 Session, MnSEIA had an ambitious Legislative Agenda to advance solar and energy storage in Minnesota.
Minnesota capitol MnSEIA

2021 Legislative Session Recap

2021 featured the biggest wins for solar since 2013. $31M was allocated for the industry, including Solar for Schools, Solar*Rewards, and Brightfields.
Minnesota State Capitol building MnSEIA solar policy work

2020 Minnesota Legislative Session Recap

Here’s a look back on the 2020 Session including our work on Solar*Rewards, Solar on Schools, CSG reform, and more. 
Bees on pollinator flowers next to a community solar array MnSEIA
Image courtesy of Chiara Bolton

2019 Minnesota Legislative Session Recap

The 2019 session had several big ticket energy proposals for energy storage, Solar*Rewards, Brightfields, and more. See our recap.